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AeroStrength Dual Power Max 360         

The Power Max was designed for elite athletes that desire to train with RESISTANCE AND SPEED to increase POWER.

Since the 1970's many Gold medal Olympians, World Champion Boxers, and NFL Hall of Fame Inductees, have trained on hydraulic resistance machines. Today, hydraulic resistance training is becoming more and more popular with PGA golfers, MMA, and UFC fighters. 

Our Power Max hydraulic gym machine offers 360-degree movements that builds multi-directional strengthAll of our AeroStrength hydraulic machines combine aerobic/anaerobic training with strength training. It is velocity enhanced, omnikinetic and accommodating resistance.

Aerobic power, muscle endurance, explosive power, and even flexibility are dramatically enhanced in a short period of time.   

This machine has also been called a Core Power, 360 Machine, Core Trainer, Punch Power Trainer, Surge 360, The Power Sticks, Hydra Gym 180, Hydra-Gym Powermax, HydraFitness Joystick.

Dual Power Max 360

hydra gym powermax 360 surge gym training machine Dual Power Max 360 for Athletes desiring to increase EXPLOSIVE FORCE
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