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AeroStrength Single Power Max 360         

The Single Power Max is a ground based training system that trains movements from the feet up and connects muscular chains that increase strength, balance and cardiovascular endurance.

The 360 machines use continuous resistance to force users to push and pull using over 50 compound movements requiring total core muscles engagement. 

Resistance dynamically matches the user's strength at all angles throughout the range of movement. It's gravity free, so there's no external loading on joints, muscles and connective tissue. This makes it safer and more enjoyable than other forms of strength training. 

The Single-handled Power Max 360 was originally designed for athletes that desire to train with RESISTANCE AND SPEED to increase POWER.

Later the Dual Power Max 360 was designed and the Single Power Max 360 became more popular in Senior Fitness Facilities and Women's Gyms. 

Both the Power Max machines offer 360-degree movement that builds multi-directional strength, core strength and balance.

 All of our AeroStrength hydraulic machines combine aerobic/anaerobic training with strength training. It is velocity enhanced, omnikinetic and accommodating resistance.

Aerobic powermuscle enduranceexplosive power, and even flexibility are dramatically enhanced in a short period of time.   

This machine has also been called a Core Power, 360 Machine, Core Trainer, Punch Power Trainer, Surge 360, Surge 180, Power Sticks, Hydra-Gym 180, Hydra-Gym Powermax, HydraFitness Joystick.

hydra-gym 180 surge 180 powermax 180 joystick fitness AeroStrength Single Power Max 360
hydra-gym 180 surge 180 powermax 180 joystick fitness AeroStrength Single Power Max 360
hydra-gym 180 surge 180 powermax 180 joystick fitness AeroStrength Single Power Max 360
hydra-gym 180 surge 180 powermax 180 joystick fitness AeroStrength Single Power Max 360
hydra-gym 180 surge 180 powermax 180 joystick fitness AeroStrength Single Power Max 360
hydra-gym 180 surge 180 powermax 180 joystick fitness AeroStrength Single Power Max 360
Download an information sheet on the Single Power Max 360
Power 360 Single-handle Sales Sheet .pdf
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